Friday, December 27, 2013


Hi friends! I have moved to

Saturday, November 30, 2013

origami bows

Long time no talk friends! I'm so sorry I've been off the wagon the last couple of weeks! I have been so busy with work and preparing for my big craft fair next month. 

I wanted to share how to make the most adorable origami bows! I have been making them non-stop for booth decoration. They are easy to make and can be used to decorate gifts and many other things. I have seen many different tutorials on how to make these bows and the video below is BY FAR the easiest to follow! Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

japanese 3d deco nails

My wonderfully talented friend Mari did my nails over the weekend and I just about died. It was serendipitous really because I was ready to pay $50 - $75 dollars at a salon to get the exact same manicure that she gave me on her own living room floor. Let me explain the process:

1. First off, she cleaned my hands with pure acetone and a cotton ball.
2. Mari broke out the french tip nail guides and stuck them to each on my finger nails.
3. Two coats of the white polish above the nail guides.
4. After the nails dried came two coats of the silver sparkle nail polish.
5. After the silver polish dried, she took out her 3D rhinestone bows and acrylic kit
6. With tweezers, Mari placed one bow on my ring finger and while keeping it still she applied the acrylic to its undersides.
7. After waiting about 5 minutes for the acrylic to dry, she applied a coat of clear gel polish to all of my nails. 
8. I placed my hands under her LED lamp for 60 seconds.
9. She applied another coat of gel polish to my nails and I placed my hands back under the lamp for another 60 seconds.
10. Mari then wiped my nails down with rubbing alcohol and asked me to wash my hands.


I am so pleased with the results! I have been doing dishes and everything like normal and my nails look freshly done. Suffice to say, I have a new hobby!  

Thursday, November 7, 2013

merry and bright

I was reorganizing my closet a couple of days ago and I realised something: I have SO MUCH dark clothing. I'm serious. When I was finished I said to myself "Wow, am I depressed"? I think I am just more inclined to buy dark clothing because it won't get dirty as fast but everyone needs some lights in their wardrobe! Here are some lighter looks I am adoring!


Saturday, November 2, 2013

this month...

November is here and the Holiday's are near! October was a bit more exciting than I thought it would be but I am pumped to kick off this month! 

This month I am looking forward to:
1. Thanksgiving!
2. Buying Christmas presents
3. Taking my Praxis test

What are you looking forward to this month?


october favorites

October is over! Whaa what! I am rather glad to be getting on to November! Here are some of my October favorites:

1. Anthropologie intimates. *sigh*. So beautiful. So expensive.
4. Mini clocks! I love "mini" things. So cute. I would keep this on the shelf above my bed if I had one.
5. Uber-cute mug! These also come in moustache and piggy.  
6. This vintage bag is so rad! I love it!
7. This entire outfit. Just sheer perfection. This is a look that is also easily replicated which makes me very happy :)
8. Oh shoot! I have been looking everywhere for this freaking shirt for I don't even know how long! Where is it!?
9. Japanese Kitty Clips! These little guys are adorable and make paper work a little fun. 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

closet favorites / a name change

Hello friends! I have a two things I want to touch on and fashion first so here we go!

Here are some of my favorites that are currently in my closet!

1. J.Crew Vintage Knit blue and white top. I actually got this top from my best friend because he didn't want it anymore. Score! 

2. Polka-dot, Peter Pan collar, Forever 21 blouse. I bought this blouse a couple of years ago and I am surprised that it is still in good condition. I cannot remember the exact price but it was definitely less than $20.

3. Chambray long-sleeve shirt from Old Navy. I bought this shirt about 2 months ago and I wear it all the time! It's the perfect shirt for a casual day out but it is so easily dressed up with a pair of dark skinny jeans and accessories for night. It was about $30.

4. Jones New York short-sleeved top from Macy's. I actually bought this top from Macy's with a gift card I got for my birthday. So again...score! I wear the shhhhhhhhoot out of this time. I'm wearing it constantly. I got it like 2 or 3 years ago and I pray that it will live forever. 

And on another note... I changed the name of my blog!! Yeah..... "Ahoy My Love" (the previous name of this blog) was a little difficult to work with because, fun fact, the phrase "Ahoy My Love" is actually a semi-popular one (kinda sorta not really). It was really hard for me to get an email address and I wanted to open a shop and sell my products at fairs but apparently the phrase "Ahoy My Love" is one that is taken almost everywhere. Ergo, Introducing "Morning Waffle"! I chose the name because I love waffles in the morning! (and noon, and night and 2 am... which is technically the morning so HEY!) Is that name unique enough???? You can now email me at: