Saturday, November 2, 2013

october favorites

October is over! Whaa what! I am rather glad to be getting on to November! Here are some of my October favorites:

1. Anthropologie intimates. *sigh*. So beautiful. So expensive.
4. Mini clocks! I love "mini" things. So cute. I would keep this on the shelf above my bed if I had one.
5. Uber-cute mug! These also come in moustache and piggy.  
6. This vintage bag is so rad! I love it!
7. This entire outfit. Just sheer perfection. This is a look that is also easily replicated which makes me very happy :)
8. Oh shoot! I have been looking everywhere for this freaking shirt for I don't even know how long! Where is it!?
9. Japanese Kitty Clips! These little guys are adorable and make paper work a little fun. 

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