Wednesday, April 17, 2013

myers-briggs: understanding the infj

I have become increasingly interested in the Myers-Briggs personality types in the past four years. I had never heard about it before I entered college but I had to take the personality test my freshman year for a class. I did in depth research on the different personality types my junior year because I was an RA in my dorm and a part of the job was to better understand yourself through your Myers-Briggs type. You can be either an I (introverted) or E (extroverted) for your first letter. The second letter will either be an N (intuiting) or an S (sensing). The third letter will be an F (feeling) or T (thinking) and the last letter will be a J (judging) or a P (perceiving). 

I am an INFJ which is the rarest type and when I read up on my type I was shocked at how accurate it was. I urge everyone to take the personality test here and find out what their personality types are. It is free and you will learn a lot about yourself.If you take the test or already know your Myers-Briggs please comment below! I would love, love, love to hear from you guys! 

I read this great blog post called "How to Date an INFJ" and it is scary how spot on it is. Here are some excerpts from the post:

-INFJs are extremely sensitive. Make sure that criticism is
handed as lightly as possible and constructively. At the same time, INFJs love to please their partner, and will work on an issue if presented in the right way. When to be blunt with an INFJ: never. Be honest and direct, but there’s a fine line between direct and insensitive.

-INFJs hardly ever initiate anything. They like it when the other person initiates a conversation, contact, etc.

-INFJs consciously choose the people that are close to them. They would rather have a few very close friendships as opposed to numerous superficial ones.

-INFJs have an extremely complex internal value system. An INFJ will see if you ‘fit’ into their world, and they’ll bend their own rules if they really like you. INFJs tend to have very high standards, but are also very accepting once they trust you and know you’re safe.

-Their energy drains when around others. They will need time alone to ‘feel like themselves’.

-Your energy will easily affect them. If you seem unstable, etc., it will seep into them and poison them. It has often been said that an INFJ’s partner has to be strong, and this is generally true.

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