Wednesday, April 24, 2013

constellation nation

Ever since i was a child I harbored a fascination of space and the constellations. Whenever I went to the library as a young girl I either borrowed books about the presidents or books about space and Greek mythology. I have no idea why (especially the president books. I was a weird kid). I think part of the reason I was so interested in the stars and space was because I was afraid of the stars and space. The universe is so vast and the earth is so small compared to it. I wanted to learn as much as I could about space so I could understand it more. That eventually lead me to reading stories about Greek mythology and learning about the constellations. I don't follow astrology at all but I am still fascinated by Greek mythology and the stories behind the constellations.

The constellation patterns make for beautiful designs and decorations that can be used on almost anything. I have made constellation pennants before for a party and I have made constellation mugs amongst other things. The constellations and stars have been in the sky for us to see every night for thousands of years. They are steady and have order. I like that :)


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